Category: Uncategorized

Patients’ and clinicians’ experiences and perceptions of primary care for insomnia in Health Expectations

A new interview study from members of the CaHRU team, ‘Patients’ and clinicians’ experiences and perceptions of the primary care management of insomnia: qualitative study’ provides further insights into primary care management of insomnia. The study team interviewed 28 patients and 23 health professionals (GPs, nurse, mental health workers and community pharmacists) and analysed the…Continue Reading Patients’ and clinicians’ experiences and perceptions of primary care for insomnia in Health Expectations

New study published on GP experiences and attitudes to benzodiazepines

A new study has been published in BMC Family Practice on ‘General practitioners’ experiences and perceptions of benzodiazepine prescribing: systematic review and meta-synthesis’. The study was conducted by teams of researchers from the Universities of Lincoln (Coral Sirdifield, Susan Chipchase, Niro Siriwardena), Antwerp (Sibyl Anthierens) and Ghent (Hanne Creupelandt, Thierry Christiaens) who have been working…Continue Reading New study published on GP experiences and attitudes to benzodiazepines

New meta-analysis of Z drugs published in the BMJ by REST team

Members of the REST team have published a new meta-analysis of Z drugs in the British Medical Journal ( The effectiveness of newer sleeping tablets, the Z drug (or non-benzodiazepine) hypnotics has been questioned because of publication and reporting bias in previous meta-analyses and the extent of the placebo response to hypnotics. The study team…Continue Reading New meta-analysis of Z drugs published in the BMJ by REST team

New study on social networking platforms for computerised CBT-I

A new study investigating how computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CCBT) can be enhanced through the use of social networking platforms was published in the British Journal of General Practice in December 2012.  This qualitative study, funded by the EPSRC and conducted by members of the CaHRU team, Jo Middlemass, Dr Zowie Davy and Professor Niroshan…Continue Reading New study on social networking platforms for computerised CBT-I

National insomnia expert comments on REST project

Professor Espie commenting recently on the REST project said: “I think the REST project is a tremendous initiative. For years, sleep has been a rather neglected topic in the NHS, although GPs know full well how common a problem insomnia is in every practice! This project provides practical evidence based help, and I would encourage…Continue Reading National insomnia expert comments on REST project

First placebo controlled trial of online CBT for insomnia published

The first placebo controlled trial of online CBT for insomnia has been published in the journal Sleep. The trial, led by Professor Colin Espie of Glasgow University, showed that CBT delivered using a media-rich web application with automated support and a community forum was effective in improving sleep and daytime functioning in adults with insomnia disorder. …Continue Reading First placebo controlled trial of online CBT for insomnia published

Improving Primary Care Resources for Effective Sleep Treatment (IPCREST)

Is enough being done to help people with insomnia? Insomnia is highlighted on the BBC News. This week EMHIEC have launched a video explaining Improving Primary Care Resources for Effective Sleep Treatment (IPCREST) which is a learning program for primary care practitioners to provide better assessment and cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi): the e-learning package is available at the REST…Continue Reading Improving Primary Care Resources for Effective Sleep Treatment (IPCREST)

REST leads to new EPSRC funded study: ENACT

ENACT: Exploring social Networks to Augment Cognitive behavioural Therapy is led by Prof Shaun Lawson with co-investigators Prof Niroshan Siriwardena, Prof Kevin Morgan and Dr Kate Cavanagh is funded through the EPSRC “Healthcare Partnerships” programme to improve the uptake, adherence and completion rates of those referred to Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT) interventions using the power of…Continue Reading REST leads to new EPSRC funded study: ENACT