The Study Team

This project was led by Professor A Niroshan Siriwardena, GP and Professor of Primary and Prehospital Care at the University of Lincoln. The study was managed by Michelle Tilling at NHS Lincolnshire.

Professor A Niroshan Siriwardena                          

Niroshan (“Niro”) is Professor of Primary and Prehospital Health Care at the University of Lincoln and a part time general practitioner. He leads the Community and Health Research Group. For more information see:
01522 886939

Michelle Tilling
REST Project Manager, NHS Lincolnshire

Michelle’s background is in Business & Administration. She began her career in the NHS in 2004 when she joined the NHS Lincolnshire Research Team and was REST Project Manager from 2007 to 2010.

Fiona Togher
Research Assistant, Lincoln School of Health and Social Care, University of Lincoln

Fiona, has been research assistant for the REST project and is now completing her Master’s while working on other research projects.

01522 837731

Andrew Harrison
Patient Expert on REST project
All correspondence via       

Dr Jane Dyas
Primary Care Lead, NIHR Research Design Service East Midlands

Dr Roderick Orner
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Visiting Professor in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences, University of Lincoln.         

Dr Zubair Qureshi
General Practitioner, South Park Surgery, Lincoln
0844 4773934

Professor Michael Dewey
Professor of Health Service and Population Research, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London

Dr Tracey Sach
Senior Lecturer Health Economics, University of East Anglia

Dr Casey Quinn
Lecturer Health Economics, University of Nottingham

Jane Christmas
Head of Integrated Governance and Risk, NHS Lincolnshire